MIWAI2022 – The 15th Multi-disciplinary International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MIWAl 2022) will be a virtual conference and held on November 17-19, 2022. The main objective of the conference is to present the latest research and results of scientists related to Al topics. This year the conference is organized by Mahasarakham University, with association of Muban Chombueng, Rajabhat University and IEEE SMC, Thailand Chapter.
Call for Papers
■ Theoretical Foundation
■ Cognitive Computing
■ Computational Intelligence
■ AI Applications
but not limited to: Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Speech Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Big Data Analysis, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Multi-agent Systems, Medical Imaging, Remote Sensing, Swarm Intelligence, etc.
■ The proceedings of MIWAI2022 will be published by Springer in LNAI, a topical subseries of LNCS focusing on artificial intelligence.
■ Indexed in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Scopus, EI Engineering Index, Google Scholar, Springerlink, dblp, etc.
Important dates
Submission deadlines:
■ First round submission dealine: April 30, 2022
■ First round notification: June 10, 2022
■ Registration: August 31, 2022
■ Conference dates: November 17-19, 2022
Submission Link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=miwai2022
Steering Committee
■ Arun Agarwal, University of Hyderabad, India
■ Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia
■ Patrick Doherty, University of Linkoping, Sweden
■ Rina Dechter, University of California, Irive, USA
■ Leon Van Der Torre, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
■ Peter Haddawy, Mahidol University, Thailand
■ Jérôme Lang, University Paris-Dauphine, France
■ James F. Peters, University of Manitoba, Canada
■ Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk, UTB, Brunei
■ Srinivasan Ramani, IIIT Bangalore, India
■ C Raghavendra Rao, University of Hyderabad, India
■ Richard Booth, Cardiff University, UK
■ Chattrakul Sombattheera, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
For more information please visit MIWAI2022 website: https://khamreang.msu.ac.th/miwai22/