The 9th Business, Economics and Communications International Conference 2023 โครงการงานประชุมวิชาการระดับนานาชาติ ครั้งที่9

Event Date : 2023-03-31

Submission Deadline : 2023-01-31

Venue : โรงแรมท้อปแลนด์ พิษณุโลก / Topland Hotel, Phitsanulok, Thailand


Nowadays, Thai society has became a dynamic society which has been challenged by cultural change. Therefore, modernization and technology play a significant role in strengthening and increasing a comfort for people, economy and society. Expectation in the digital economy is a key success factor of digital connectivity. It is to speed and save time as well as to increase competitive advantage of business for small, medium, and SMEs business. The business will disappear if it is not adapted to the digital system. On the other hand, digital economy and innovations are a powerful compass for the Faculty of Business, Economics and Communications toward change and success. The change is to add value of customer or producer. The goal of innovation is positive change for the better to growth in productivity and economy.


Faculty of Business, Economics and Communications has recognized the importance of the change. Therefore, the International and National conferences have been organized for the year 2023 which create new knowledge and disseminate research in this area to develop academic, economic, social, and other fields. It also supports the research results to be distributed to the public for greater benefits.


In addition, it is also a forum for sharing knowledge and experience of experts from leading institutions and reputation both in national and international as well as to create a university network from foreign countries such as the United States, Australia, Austria, Romania, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, the Philippines, Japan, Vietnam and the People’s Republic of China, etc.