International Conference: “Enhancing Continuity of Care Through the Science and Art in Nursing and Midwifery”

Event Date : 2022-10-07 – 2022-10-08

Submission Deadline : 2022-08-20

Venue : At the 60th Anniversary of His Majesty the King’s Accession to the Throne International Convention Center in HatYai, Songkhla, Thailand


Global healthcare knowledge, innovative practice, and systems are undergoing transformative changes. Healthcare providers need to be on the path to continuum-centered care. Nursing and midwifery are positioned to play a major role in shaping and contributing innovation leading the transformative changes that are occurring in healthcare and in improving the patient experience of care.

The Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University (PSU) recognizes the significance of making noteworthy progress toward providing continuity of care to patients. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University, the Faculty will host the international conference 2022 on “Enhancing Continuity of Care Through the Science and Art in Nursing and Midwifery.” The conference will give an opportunity for participants to collaborate, share ideas, discuss research studies, and lead innovative change to enhance continuity of care, innovative practice, and healthcare transformation. This will give nurses, midwifery, and healthcare providers the tools to implement the science and art approaches to manage and deliver the best care. All dimensions of continuity of care will be addressed, including continuity of care across the health-illness continuum from health promotion to palliative care. It will include continuity of care across the transition between home and hospital, and across the lifespan from newborn to the older person. This international conference will also provide the opportunity for networking and sharing experiences. Please come and join us from October, 7-8 2022.

Conference Objectives

1. Raise awareness of nursing and midwifery to recognize their roles in leading and fully contributing to enhancing continuity of care.
2. Explore the driving role of nursing and midwifery in enhancing the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities during transformative changes.
3. Share best practices and innovation through the science and art in nursing and midwifery for enhancing continuity of care.
4. Provide significant professional development and networking opportunities.

Who Can Attend?

– Registered nurses
– Nurse practitioners
– Nurse educators
– Nurse administrators
– Clinical nurse specialists
– Nurse managers
– Staff nurses
– Nursing midwifery
– Nursing students
– Healthcare providers
– All professionals and allied health care providers